Wednesday, March 30, 2011

4-H Day and Spring

4-H Day: Ok so 4-H Day was successful. Molly did a table top, Clara and Sage were adorable with "Get Your Polo On", Therese and Rachel were very good cooks, and Hannah and Deanna did an excellent job with their demo. Clara and Sage were room winners. I won my division bc I was the only one in my division. I don't know what it is, but I seem to have this hold over the "cow boys". Either they are awed by my beauty or just starstruck my intellect. Either way they try to hit on me. HAHAHAHAHA!!!!! SO funny. DENIED!!! The try so hard only to be let down. Hard.

SPRING: Ok so spring is almost here for REAL!!! the snow is slowy melting and the roads are loosing their natural speed bumps (here in NH we have terrible frost heaves). I rode both Julio and Humor on Tuesday. Julio was wicked hairy and a really good boy. We were practicing simple lead changes and leg yields at the canter. He was such a good boy. Oh I remember why I <3 him. :) Humor was just silly. He was jiggy and then bouncy, then FORWARD. hahahahaha. He was focused then ADD. I guess it's just a TB thing. Hahaha.

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