Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Japan and Its Wetness

My heart goes out to those who have been greatly affected by the major tsunami that has washed away many towns and villages in Japan. I am amazed at the peace and calmness of the people shown on TV.  These people are suffering greatly from exposure to radiation, contaminated water supplies, lack of food, and provision of health care, yet they are patient and understanding when they are told they may have to wait all day for a glass of water or food to eat. In such desperate times, the peace of God has blessed Japan's people with patience and calmness. So many are survivors, yet so many have died.

How unlike the Americans in New Orleans when Hurricane Katrina damaged the gulf coast, swallowing homes, business, schools and claiming the lives of so many people, the Japanese are working together to save lives, care for the injured, and respond to emergency situations. In Lousisian, almost immediately, the victims turned and asked for government aid. FEMA only offered so much, but that wasn't enough. It became the volunteer efforts from across the country who came to Katrina victim's aid. I was pleased to see the Christian community offering their services in helping clean up the aftermath, however, I was saddened that fewer people in the immediate area did little but whine about their predicament. Now I know this was not the case for all, but there are some who just prefered to complain rather than fix their situation.

Americans have become very selfish people who, honestly, can't think and provide for themselves. We complain about government spending and programs that eat up our tax dollars, but whenever a major disaster strikes we immediately go to the goverment, to whom we do not wish to endebt ourselves for fear of heavier taxation, and ask for federal aid. A Declaration of Independance was signed in 1776 giving us freedom from England's strict rule. I am pretty sure somewhere in our Constitution there is a Freedom of Thought clause. It's kinda sad, but the goverment has us trained like monkeys. When something goes wrong, we look to Washington to fix it. Usually their idea of fixing it is to write some bill that limits our freedom just a bit more. The funny thing is, we can't even see it! No more ranting. Goverment is good. We need leaders. Leaders how put people first not the federal pocketbook.

I wonder if the survivors of this tsunami equate their stories and survival to those who survived the atomic bombs in Hiroshima and Nagasaki? The stories they will tell their grandchildren and their grandchildren. Such a painful memory and moment in history lives on in the lives of children.  In which such great loss, pain, and suffering were endured, an event like this should not become just another natural disaster story to be rememberd only as a story. It is a tragic event that will be a part of history because of its impact on not only it's victims, but also those around the world.

Prayer: Lord, all things work together for them that love you and are called according to your purpose. So, Father, I thank you for the Christian influnce that is working with the survivors of the tsunami in Japan. You have given them grace to provide and care for those in need. I ask that you would give them strength to endure the stress and pain they are surround by. Provide rest for their hearts and minds as they daily see the wreckage the waves have created in people's lives. For those who have not know you, give them the assurance that they are loved and cared for. Draw them close to you in their time of trouble. I thank you for the people you have called in to help calm the situation. They have been brought here for a time and a purpose. Give them the words to uplift and encourage the victims they are in contact with and help the show love and compassion on those people. I pray a blessing upon all of those who have lost family members, give them peace in their time of grief, and draw them ever closer to you. In JESUS name, amen.

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