Sunday, April 3, 2011

The Donut-Man

Who doesn't love the donut man? I will admit that I used to fear him because, come on, wasn't he a little to peppy and creepy? Well today in service we had the apperance of the donut man. Mark was preaching strong today and man O man he was hitting on some sacred cows. MOOOOOO (we were having a BBQ after church). As always he is full of stories and silly stuff, but today was different. The energy he had was being preached in his message "The Goodies of the Gospel of Grace". Ya know there is nothing we can DO to get closer to God. It's not about works. The Bible says that. To bad the Pharasies didn't get it.

So the donut man..... Before the message began (actually Mark set us his illustration in service) anways, he set a step ladder on the left and a lazy boy recliner on the right side of the sanctuary. Then...... he took 2 donuts. Took a big bite out of one and set it on top of the step ladder. The other one he put on the arm of the recliner. The props sat there for the entire message. In the conclusion of his message on grace and the finished work Mark climbs the ladder. He is struggling and groaning (pretending to do good works to reach the donut on top of the ladder) So after all that WORK he finally gets to the top only to find the donut had been half eaten. Since when is the goodness of God only half good?  To illustrate what God's goodness IS like, Mark called Matt J. up to sit in the recliner and eat the donut. The look on Matt's face when he tasted the "Goodies of the Gospel of Grace" was epic. He bit into that donut and there was complete satisfaction and happiness on his face. HAHAHAHAHA. Then to top it all (Mark is still on the ladder btw) Matt says he wants ANOTHER donut!!!! Talk about demanding the Goodness of God!!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Mark takes the half eaten donut and throws it across the front of the sanctuary to Matt. The best part is that Matt just nonchalantly put his hand up and the donut miraculously FELL into his hand. Talk about grace, goodness, and mercy!!!!!!!

It was a wonderful, releasing, freeing, and dancing kinda Sunday. Wouldn't have missed it for the world!!!

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