Sunday, April 10, 2011

Bowling Queen

The worship team went out to lunch at .... Applebee's this afternoon. We were joined by the visiting worship team who were amazing in service. I sat at the guys table. How that happened.... I don't know. It's nothing foreign to me though because I was the only girl at the guys table at ESE and the only girl in Sunday School. Needless to say, I am used to it.

Bowling proved to be a challenge. My team was Clara, Scott, and Kenny. Kenny obviously was gonna win. He is just plain old good at bowling for some reason. The first game I came 2nd to Kenny, but ...... I beat Scott!!! Apparently his only goal was to beat me. Well he got the chance only once. UNO. ONE. I won 2 games out of 3. He was hard to beat. But the 14 pound ball is harsh on a tired forearm. I made 5 strikes and a bunch of 9 pins. John, Cris and I decided to create a 9 Pins Club. John was the president of course. HAHAHAHA!!!! I the last game I broke a 100 and ended the game with 102 points. This is the first time I ever broke 100. WHOA it felt so good to beat Scott. TWICE!!!! Yeah. I am the Bowling Queen. :)

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