Thursday, April 28, 2011

First Ultimate Game

Tonight I played my first official game of Ultimate. It was a yucky day. The rain was pouring out of the sky and the grass was soaked. Thunder and lightning, waving and twisting trees. It was wild. It was Thursday and we had planned to play Ultimate like usual. Because of the weather I wasn't sure if we were actually going to get to play, but fortunately we had a break in the rain, the sun poked through, and we organized a game. It was fun. Micah and his friend Chris, Tyler, Jake (who BTW is an amazing catch and runner this year), my dad, Lydia, Maddy, and me. Adam showed up just at the end. Bummer. It was great fun. Erik wimped out. Too bad, he missed a great game.

I made this quick catch from Tyler, then without any hesitation, I threw a quick, fast, low one to Jake in the endzone. OOooooooo..... I didn't think he would catch it but..... that little guy caught it by a quick finger. Ohhhhhhhh shes good shes good. hes awesome hes awesome. oh yeah. it was a great game!!!!

1 comment:

  1. I would like to play one of these super serious games of ultimate with you. :D
