Thursday, April 28, 2011

First Ultimate Game

Tonight I played my first official game of Ultimate. It was a yucky day. The rain was pouring out of the sky and the grass was soaked. Thunder and lightning, waving and twisting trees. It was wild. It was Thursday and we had planned to play Ultimate like usual. Because of the weather I wasn't sure if we were actually going to get to play, but fortunately we had a break in the rain, the sun poked through, and we organized a game. It was fun. Micah and his friend Chris, Tyler, Jake (who BTW is an amazing catch and runner this year), my dad, Lydia, Maddy, and me. Adam showed up just at the end. Bummer. It was great fun. Erik wimped out. Too bad, he missed a great game.

I made this quick catch from Tyler, then without any hesitation, I threw a quick, fast, low one to Jake in the endzone. OOooooooo..... I didn't think he would catch it but..... that little guy caught it by a quick finger. Ohhhhhhhh shes good shes good. hes awesome hes awesome. oh yeah. it was a great game!!!!

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Teen Conferece

On Wednesday, April 13, I had my interview for teen conference (Basically, NH's version of National Congress). It went well. I was interviewed by Andrea, Julia, and Laura. People I already knew. So no pressure. I answered the questions without hesitation. (Everyone was freaking out in the lobby because they had answers prepared, but they didn't know what the questions would be). I have done enough interviews to know. DON"T FREAK OUT!!! They are really simple. It is a conversation between you and the interviewer(s). My Conference interview became a conversation between Andera, Julia, and I. I really enjoy the interview process.

Today in the mail, I received my scholarship from UNHCE-Cheshire for Teen Conference. Yipee!!! They gave me a full scholarship!!! $230!!! Clara, Sage, and I are all very excited to go spend four days with youth from New England at UNH for New Hampshire's best kept 4-H secret - TEEN CONFERENCE.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Saturday, April 16, 2011


"Procrastinators Unite!!! - Tomorrow!!!"

Because I am a natural procrastinator, I have dreaded deciding which college I will attend in the fall. It has been a battle in my mind for weeks now. Well I have FINALLY come to a decision. I am going to Findlay in the Fall. Whew! I said it. And I mean it. I think. No I mean it. :) That decided now I can relax and write more essays for scholarships. Urghh. After awhile of writing essay after essay, the brain and the hand get tired. Now I can concentrate on finishing high school and writing essays. Yipee!!!!

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Bowling Queen

The worship team went out to lunch at .... Applebee's this afternoon. We were joined by the visiting worship team who were amazing in service. I sat at the guys table. How that happened.... I don't know. It's nothing foreign to me though because I was the only girl at the guys table at ESE and the only girl in Sunday School. Needless to say, I am used to it.

Bowling proved to be a challenge. My team was Clara, Scott, and Kenny. Kenny obviously was gonna win. He is just plain old good at bowling for some reason. The first game I came 2nd to Kenny, but ...... I beat Scott!!! Apparently his only goal was to beat me. Well he got the chance only once. UNO. ONE. I won 2 games out of 3. He was hard to beat. But the 14 pound ball is harsh on a tired forearm. I made 5 strikes and a bunch of 9 pins. John, Cris and I decided to create a 9 Pins Club. John was the president of course. HAHAHAHA!!!! I the last game I broke a 100 and ended the game with 102 points. This is the first time I ever broke 100. WHOA it felt so good to beat Scott. TWICE!!!! Yeah. I am the Bowling Queen. :)

Thursday, April 7, 2011


OMGoodness!!! What is a girl to do? I have to decide by May 1 which college I will be committing the next 4 years of my life to. Because Cornell graciously didn't accept me, I am stumped with the options of UNH or Findlay. Ohhh. What is a girl to do? I have been in prayer asking God for wisdom. And boy oh boy. Prayer eases things for a little bit, but I need an answer. I know God is the author of all things and has a plan for my college education.

OOOO!!!! Shout out to Clara! Happy 15th Birthday!!!!

Sunday, April 3, 2011

The Donut-Man

Who doesn't love the donut man? I will admit that I used to fear him because, come on, wasn't he a little to peppy and creepy? Well today in service we had the apperance of the donut man. Mark was preaching strong today and man O man he was hitting on some sacred cows. MOOOOOO (we were having a BBQ after church). As always he is full of stories and silly stuff, but today was different. The energy he had was being preached in his message "The Goodies of the Gospel of Grace". Ya know there is nothing we can DO to get closer to God. It's not about works. The Bible says that. To bad the Pharasies didn't get it.

So the donut man..... Before the message began (actually Mark set us his illustration in service) anways, he set a step ladder on the left and a lazy boy recliner on the right side of the sanctuary. Then...... he took 2 donuts. Took a big bite out of one and set it on top of the step ladder. The other one he put on the arm of the recliner. The props sat there for the entire message. In the conclusion of his message on grace and the finished work Mark climbs the ladder. He is struggling and groaning (pretending to do good works to reach the donut on top of the ladder) So after all that WORK he finally gets to the top only to find the donut had been half eaten. Since when is the goodness of God only half good?  To illustrate what God's goodness IS like, Mark called Matt J. up to sit in the recliner and eat the donut. The look on Matt's face when he tasted the "Goodies of the Gospel of Grace" was epic. He bit into that donut and there was complete satisfaction and happiness on his face. HAHAHAHAHA. Then to top it all (Mark is still on the ladder btw) Matt says he wants ANOTHER donut!!!! Talk about demanding the Goodness of God!!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Mark takes the half eaten donut and throws it across the front of the sanctuary to Matt. The best part is that Matt just nonchalantly put his hand up and the donut miraculously FELL into his hand. Talk about grace, goodness, and mercy!!!!!!!

It was a wonderful, releasing, freeing, and dancing kinda Sunday. Wouldn't have missed it for the world!!!