Sunday, July 31, 2011

Summer Time Good Times

This summer has flown by. And I mean flown. I have made so many good memories this summer. I don't want it to end. One of the best memories made was my 18th birthday. First it was an awesome Sunday morning service. Then we had a potluck with Leona who was sharing her stories from China. What a wonderful servant of God. Then we ate the ice cream sandwich cake I made. EPIC!!!!! Loved it. Wonder how I somehow made my own birthday cake. Hahahaha. Anyways. After church Ben, Mary, Jonathan, John, and I went to TwinkleTown to play mini golf. Let's just say I came in a solid last place. Oh well. It was fun. That was most of the afternoon. Family time at the lake afterwards. To top everything off I got a phone call from my roommate!!!! July 10, 2011 was the best day of my summer. :)

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